Friday, October 19, 2012

Bridging the Gap - The Start of Something New

Ultimate Frisbee is an established, yet growing sport played around the world. The game revolves around the use of a Frisbee and a field slightly larger than an American football field. This sport is still in its infant stages, however. While there are many players and places to play, organized play is just gaining a foothold and detailed information is somewhat difficult to come by.

Therefore I will be making this blog as a place for all things Ultimate Frisbee. This will include:
     ·         Basic and advanced guides on how to play Ultimate Frisbee
     ·         Details on tournaments, local and non-local
     ·         How to practice for Ultimate Frisbee     
     ·         Injuries and how to avoid them
     ·         Cultural and communal implications of Ultimate Frisbee

This is only the tip of the Frisbee. There is much more to talk about and I will be going into detail about everything Ultimate Frisbee as I create this blog.

A blog such as this may seem trivial, but take a look at the informational options currently available. There are websites that can explain the basics of Ultimate Frisbee such as or, but these websites merely explain the game and how it is played. An easily accessible, organic, first-hand-experience guide to Ultimate Frisbee is not readily available. This blog will help fill that void.

Why am I qualified to write such a detailed blog? I have been playing Ultimate Frisbee for six years and have played in most every play setting available. This includes intramural, pick-up, collegiate, and tournament; the four main ways Ultimate Frisbee is played today.

The mission of this blog is to become a place where any player, beginner or veteran, can visit and learn something they may not have known. It will be a source for any and all to understand the wonderful game of Ultimate Frisbee.

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